Turn the Page
I decided to add this section first before adding a Homeschool section because I’m up to my chin with homeschool! I’m also not very tall - in fact, not tall at all…you really can’t even use the word “tall” when describing my lack of height.
However, currently, I may love reading a whole lot more than homeschool because I feel more on track with it. I just keep telling myself “we are where we are supposed to be” and go from there.
Moving on…
This section is to dig a little deeper with reading. Make it a bit more interactive even though I definitely interact with a good book. I laugh, cry, shout out “WHAT?!”, and have even thrown a book or two (Of Mice and Men, Captivating, and Wuthering Heights. Don’t worry, I love all 3 books, but at the time I just couldn’t believe what I was reading or how it ended).
I’m hoping to provide some print-outs to help track your reading. Perhaps even a nifty journal for all those fun words you learn and favorite quotes as you turn the pages.
The journey of a book can stick with you when you do more than just scan a page and get a general idea. The journey of a book can open your mind, quicken your imagination, and if you’re reading a book with Truth, Goodness, and Beauty it can change how you perceive the world.