Q&A with Valerie Ellis

Valerie Ellis is a writer, speaker, teacher, and mom. Her debut picture book, SHARE THE JOY! is available where all books can be purchased.

Here is a bit of behind-the-scenes of Share the Joy! and Valerie Ellis.

When did you become interested in storytelling?

I loved writing stories in elementary and middle school, but I didn't come back to it until after I had my own kids. Reading with them made me fall in love with great stories all over again. And searching for books that we both loved is what made me want to write children's books.

What inspired you to write Share the Joy?

My own childhood was full of wonderful Christmas memories, but I do remember feeling some tension between knowing Jesus was the best gift of all and my ecstatic excitement about receiving gifts, between knowing we have so much when others have deep needs. So I wanted to create a book that would inspire the littlest kids to see Christmas as a time for giving, caring, and serving. To show diverse families centering their warm and wonderful traditions on generosity and worship. I believe that when we integrate our values with fun, meaningful traditions, those values become a celebrated part of our family culture and more likely to stick with kids through to adulthood.

Which is your favorite part of Share the Joy?

The flaps, of course!! Share the Joy is a Christmas lift-the-flap book with big, sturdy flaps, perfect for toddlers and preschoolers. Under each flap is a fun reveal of families sharing the joy of Jesus. This week, after I spoke at a MOPS group, I saw a mom and her daughter walking out holding Share the Joy. The mom said, "She didn't want to put down the book from the church nursery, so I said I would trade her for this one. And once I showed her the flaps, she grabbed Share the Joy, said "my book," and was ready to go!

But maybe you meant my favorite spread...It's so hard to choose! I guess it's the little boy in front of the toy store. It says, "Coins that jingle make me grin." Then you open the flap and see that he's not buying a toy for himself but rather giving the money as a donation to help people. Under the flap, it says, "I want to help. I place them in." I love it because it's a really fun surprise with the pictures and the words. I also loved working the word "jingle" into the text because it reminds me of "Jingle Bells."

I read that you were a teacher. What did you teach? Do you miss teaching?

I taught fourth grade, which is still my favorite grade! I wouldn't say I miss teaching because I love what I do now, but there are definitely parts that would be fun to jump back into. And, of course, I miss the kids!

What type of books are your favorite to read?

Well of course, I love picture books. That's the age I write for, and there are so many beautiful and clever ones. You're never too old for picture books! I also really like middle-grade novels (for 8- to 12-year-olds). And one more category...adult nonfiction, especially about parenting or spiritual living.

Do you have any advice for young readers/writers?

If you want to write, there are two important but easy things you can do now: 1) read the kinds of books you want to write (and lots of other kinds too) and 2) start a journal of ideas and observations. I told my 12-year-old he could do this just in case he wants to write someday, and so far, he hasn't taken me up on it, haha. The journal can be filled with snippets of conversation, character attributes, plot ideas, and historical or scientific tidbits. You never know what might spark an idea or help fill in a story outline with realistic details.

Do you have any other books/stories in the works?

I do! I have a book for 3- to 7-year-olds coming out with Tyndale in February 2025 and a book for 6- to 10-year-olds coming out with Waterbrook in October 2025. I wish I could say more because I'm so excited about each one!! The illustrator is hard at work on the Tyndale book, and we are still in the editorial phase for the Waterbrook book.


Valerie Ellis

Valerie loves helping families find fun, natural, meaningful ways to pursue faith in God and compassion for others, all while growing closer to each other. She is also a contributor for Our Everyday Parables.

She is an Ohio-born, Texas-raised TCU Horned Frog. Valerie lives with husband, Josh, and their two boys in Houston.


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